NUMBER 125/PMK.04/2007




That in the framework of implementing the provision of Article 86 paragraph (3) of Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs that is amended by Law No. 17/2006, it is necessary to stipulate a Regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning Customs Audit;

In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this regulation:

Article 2

Customs and Excise Officials refers to authorized to audit anybody acting as importer, exporter, organizer of provisional stockpiling place, organizer of bonded stockpiling place, customs settlement service provider or transport organizer.

Article 3

The audit shall aim at verifying the compliance of the body as described in Article 2 to the fulfillment of provisions of customs legislation and other customs related legislation.

Article 4

(1) Audit shall consist of general audit, special audit and investigation audit.

(2) The audit as described in paragraph (1) shall be done concertedly or at any time.

Article 5

(1) To implement the audit as described in Article 2, the Director General shall set up audit team.

(2) The membership composition of the audit team as described in paragraph (1) shall consist of:

(3) If necessary, the membership composition of the audit team as described in paragraph (2) can be supplemented by:

Article 6

(1) Members of the audit team as described in Article 5 paragraph (2) shall have certificate of expertise in accordance with hierarchy of assignment as PMA, PTA, auditor chief or auditor.

(2) The Director General shall issue the certificate of expertise as described in paragraph (1).

Article 7

(1) General audit and special audit shall be executed on the basis of letter of assignment from the Director General.

(2) Investigation audit shall be executed on the basis of order from the Director General.

Article 8

Audit can be executed jointly with other institutions.

Article 9

In executing the audit, the audit team shall refer to the customs audit standards.

Article 10

In executing the audit, the audit team shall be authorized:

Article 11

(1) In the interest of audit, auditee shall be obliged:

(2) In the case of leader of auditee being not in place or absent, the obligation as described in paragraph (1) shall shift to the representing.

(3) Auditee not implementing the obligation as described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to sanction in accordance with the provisions of legislation in force.

Article 12

(1) The audit shall be completed in not later than 3 (three) months as from the date of letter of assignment or order.

(2) The period as described in paragraph (1) can be extended with the provision regulated in a decision of the Director General.

Article 13

(1) Based on the implementation of audit, the audit team shall formulate DTS.

(2) Excluding from the provision as described in paragraph (1) shall be:

(3) DTS as described in paragraph (1) refers to conveyed by the audit team to auditee to gain response.

(4) The response as described in paragraph (3) refers to conveyed to the audit team in not later than 7 (seven) working days as from the date of receipt of DTS by auditee and the period can be extended once to another period of 7 (seven) working days at the maximum.

(5) In the case of auditee not responding in the period as described in paragraph (4), the finding in DTS refers to deemed approved by auditee.

Article 14

(1) Results of the implementation of audit shall be mentioned in the form of LHA.

(2) LHA as described in paragraph (1) shall be signed by PMA, PTA and Auditor Chief.

Article 15

LHA as described in Article 14 shall be used as the basis for stipulation of the Director General and followed up by collection letter and/or recommendation.

Article 16

Further provisions on audit, certification of expertise and audit standards shall be regulated by a regulation of the Director General.

Article 17

With the enforcement of this regulation, Decision of the Minister of Finance No. 489/KMK.05/1996 concerning Customs Audit shall be revoked and declared null and void.

Article 18

The regulation shall come into force after 30 (thirty) days as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On October 5, 2007